
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Pyllon Ultra: Is it wisdom or intelligence?
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Regular listeners will know that we often steer an impulsive path on this podcast. It’s about running, by runners but for more than runners. And this week Paul and James got into a conversation about purpose, goals and motivation.
There was some deep digging done on questions such as, “did I choose this life?” and “Why I am doing this?”
Also always with the Pylon Ultra podcast we really want athletes and listeners to take time think about the learning we as hosts are going through alongside our listeners and in this podcast you will hear both Paul and James drop a couple of ‘a ha’ moments and realisation lands on how they feel about their journey to now.
They tackle the contradiction of winning and records against ego and identity. Are they in harmony, do they need to be? And what does a future look like where self, goals and ambition is wrapped up in the underlying theme of this episode; the distinction between self-awareness, intelligence and wisdom.
Be wise, listen to this podcast. It may just make you more intelligent. Or maybe not.
You can connect with the Pyllon Ultra team on twitter and instagram @pyllonultra or check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com
Paul is on Twitter and instagram @Pyllon
James is on Twitter too, @james_stewart13 and on instagram as plain old @jamesstewart13

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
BONUS: Special Cape Wrath Edition - 4 Days of Freedom on UK's toughest trail
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Straight outta lockdown Paul Giblin and Graham Connolly decided to take on the Cape Wrath trail. Their aim was simply to run it in under four days. If you don’t know what the Cape Wrath trail is like, it’s wild, barren and unmarked. As well as loose lines that can’t be called trail in the more common sense of the word, it is boggy, laden with river crossings and goes up and down many a hill and glen.
At close to 240 miles and 40,000 ft of climbing, it is a gruelling physical and mental undertaking.
In this special Pyllon Ultra Podcast, we change tact and instead of the usual conversation between James and Paul we bring you Graham, Paul and crew member Gavin Bussey together to talk about their reflections on the FKT.
There’s talk of ticks, awful feet, a fantastic feat, what it is like to crew, what they learned, why they did it, the planning (or lack of), doing the blog on the way up and how close it was and how they pushed to try and beat the 4 day target to set a fantastic new FKT on Scotland’s most brutal and remote trail.
This is an honest to goodness chat. This is not all sunshine and lollipops. There’s a massive sense of achievement but also a true level of reflection of the value and the why they did it, what comes next and how things have been since the four day meander across the trail.
It’s a stirring and brilliant conversation. Give it a listen.
You can catch the team on the socials as usual @pyllonultra, Paul @pyllon on insta and twitter, James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter, Graham is @grahamojoe and Gavin is @pseudo_henrix both at insta too. And, we’d heartily recommend you have a look at @ultrarunbob on Insta as he was crewing too and has some amazing videos and images of the trail and attempt.
Visit the website to find out more about Pyllon Coaching

Thursday May 20, 2021
Do You Really Want What You Think You Want?
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
In the last episode of this series we talked at length about cognitive biases, how and why we might be conditioned without really being aware of it, and how these gaps in our awareness can hold us back.
So, in this episode we talk more about self awareness and how any kind of introspection may help or hinder our development. We already talked about how some of our beliefs in the external world are flawed so how can we be sure that what we think we want, is a route to happiness or at the very least in our own self interests?
As always, we are not claiming to be experts in these fields - but we are willing and keen to share some views and debate the relevance and usefulness , and to learn from each other through some honest conversations and hopefully with some feedback and engagement from you the listener. Our aim as always is to make improvements where we need to - as we do in our running and with the athletes we coach and hopefully to trigger something in you to do the same.
Thanks for listening!
Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter. And there's new Pyllon social media accounts @pyllonultra for the latest updates on Coaching, Racing, Events and Podcasts

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Bias, Dissonance and Lumber in the Attic - striding towards self awareness
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Now it is time for Paul and James to go deeper into the subjects they promised at the Series 3 kick-off. This one will be very different from series 2. There are no guests - it is just the two of them discussing a range of matters relating to the growth of self.
In this episode Paul is curious to explore cognitive dissonance and the Dunning-Kruger effect and how it can show up for athletes in training and life. He also introduces the idea of a listening gap to James which throws out some interesting ideas for both. And Paul reminds James of his sometimes impulsive behaviour too.
The aim here is learning and growth. So, neither will claim to be experts and neither will claim to know everything. The exploration of these subjects is to help you, the listener, live the ultra life by prompting thinking, reflections and hopefully some new questions and behaviours that help you get closer to your ambitions in life and running.
We are in the midst of organising our first Pyllon race - coming 24th April 2021. You can take part from anywhere. We hope you'll join us and test your limits in our unique race event. You can find out more at www.pyllonultra.com/exposure
Thanks for listening!
Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter. And there's new Pyllon social media accounts @pyllonultra for the latest updates on Coaching, Racing, Events and Podcasts

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
New Series: Will Self Awareness and Collaboration Make you a Better Runner?
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
We are kicking off a new series of the podcast. As we said in the last episode, we want to make the most of the time that we put into these episodes by talking at length about some of the areas in training and life that aren’t discussed as often or in any great detail as things like running workout sessions, race updates and how best to train for a particular distance.
So in that vein we are planning to discuss creativity, our own thought patterns, diversity of thinking, collaboration and what we think we know vs what we actually know. We’ll try and bring this back around into how it affects our running lives and how it might help us to perform better whilst finding more satisfaction and joy along the way.
We are in the midst of organising our first Pyllon race - coming 24th April 2021. You can take part from anywhere. We hope you'll join us and test your limits in our unique race event. You can find out more at www.pyllonultra.com/exposure
Thanks for listening!
Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter. And there's new Pyllon social media accounts @pyllonultra for the latest updates on Coaching, Racing, Events and Podcasts
If you missed any of the episodes from Series 2, (or the original and best - Series 1) you can catch up now:
Find out more at http://www.pyllonultra.com/podcast

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Paul and James catch up on the second lockdown, running 1,000 miles in a week and the new Pyllon Exposure race
It's been a couple of months since we last recorded.
We recorded this bonus episode as we get close to Spring and remain in lockdown. We chat about how this has affected us and our athletes, we pick through the learnings from our recent Endeavour project where the racing team ran 1,000 miles in just a week, and James asks Paul about why he felt now was a good time to launch the first Pyllon race (EXPOSURE) and how he thinks it will be any different from all the others. You can find out more about that at www.pyllonultra.com/exposure
Thanks for listening!
Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter. And there's new Pyllon social media accounts @pyllonultra for the latest updates on Coaching, Racing, Events and Podcasts
If you missed any of the episodes from Series 2, (or the original and best - Series 1) you can catch up now:
Find out more at http://www.pyllonultra.com/podcast

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Is the Amateur Mindset Holding You Back? Learnings from Eilte Athletes
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Paul and James talk about what they learned speaking to some of the best athletes in the world
It's been a couple of months since we last recorded.
This episode (the final of the series), we get back to our one to one conversations. In the last 5 episodes it was great to speak to such accomplished athletes and try to get under the skin of what makes them tick and the story that underlies everyone's desire for success. In the end they were all very different - their motivations and reasons for committing to what is quite a difficult life was more varied than we expected.
So how can those conversations help? Are there things we can learn from the professional approach of the elite athlete? Is an amateur mindset holding us all back?
We finish up this series with a short conversation about what we have been been doing, how the pandemic continues to affect our lives and what we learned from talking to some of the Pro Compressport Team.
In this show:
This interview is the last of series 2. Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter.
Thanks for listening!
To check out the latest Compressport kit, visit the website.
If you missed any of the episodes from Series 2, (or the original and best - Series 1) you can catch up now:
Find out more at http://www.pyllonultra.com/podcast

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Dreams of Gold: Olympic Triathlon to Big Mountain Trail Races - David Hauss
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
An interview with Elite athlete - David Hauss
It's been a few weeks since we recorded. But this show's guest is a world class athlete. David Hauss finished 4th at the 2012 London Olympics in the triathlon, narrowly missing out on a medal to Gomez and the Brownlees.
Now, 8 years on, David is focused on a future in ultrarunning and has some BIG race targets. Hailing from the island of Reunion, David has an eye on winning the Diagonale des Fous after a successful first tilt where he came 6th in 2019.
In this show David tells us:
This interview is the last in our Compressport series. We are grateful to Compressport for the support. Please like, share and subscribe if you enjoy the show. And if you want to connect with us you can get Paul at his handle @pyllon on most social media outlets. James is @james_stewart13 on Twitter.
Thanks for listening!
To check out the latest Compressport kit, visit the website.
Last time round we spoke with the awesome Aussie Mel Hauschildt. To hear how she become a Commonwealth medal winning steeplechaser and Ironman World Champ hit us up here:
Find out more at http://www.pyllonultra.com/podcast

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Running Is My Religion - Ultra Trail World Tour Winner Gediminas Grinius
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Pyllon Ultra Pod, Series 2 Episode 4 Show Notes
Episode 4: Running is My Religion
There are few runners in the world as tough and as accomplished as the Lithuanian legend Gediminas Grinius. The former UTWT world champion, TransGrancanaria winner, Wasatch 100 winner and all round ultra running super-star joins Paul and James in an explosively open chat on a range of subjects:
• His route to running as a way to deal with his PTSD from his military tours in Iraq
• Hearing an average of two bombs per day land within a few KMs of their base every day for 6 months
• Fighting his way to the top of mountain running from a flat country
• The importance of his family in his career
• And how running is everything that helps balance his incredible outlook on life
To find out more about this week’s guest and to follow his career you can catch up with him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GriniusGediminas/
You can connect with Paul on Twitter @Pyllon or instagram @Pyllon. James is on Twitter too, @james_stewart13 and on instagram as @jamesstewart13.
To check out the latest Compressport kit, visit the website.
Last time round we spoke with the awesome Aussie Mel Hauschildt. To hear how she become a Commonwealth medal winning steeplechaser and Ironman World Champ hit us up here:
Find out more at http://www.pyllonultra.com/podcast

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Episode 3: Maximising performance
We go to the other side of the world, in a virtual sense of course this week as Paul and James get down to chatting with the incredible 3x triathlon world champion and Commonwealth Games steeplechase medalist Melissa Hauschildt, who joined us with her 6 month old daughter Dakota for a chat on:
• Her career to date and its impressive longevity
• How she balances life and training
• Being a new mum with world level performance ambitions
• Not stressing about what you can’t do but maximising the opportunities you have
• Ironman racing strategy
• How Mel organises her training around family and other commitments
To find out more about Mel and her remarkable career you can start here at her website: http://www.melissahauschildt.com/