
Friday Sep 15, 2023
’Comparison’: Top 6 Training Mistakes - Sprint Pod S8 Ep1
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
We are back with Series 8, and it's another set of bit-sized Sprint Pods.
These short podcasts around the 10 minute mark to give you something to think about as you move through your training and racing.
This series we thought we'd give you the benefit of 15 years of run coaching experience and cover what we currently see as the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to training, and also how those mistakes turn up in your 'normal' life too.
In Episode 1, you'll hear about 'Comparison'. We seem to be driven to making comparison in a lot of areas, and whilst it's a useful check-in for making progress it can be damaging too. You'll hesr from Paul on training, and James on life. Enjoy.
If you liked the pod give us a 5* review below and drop us a line. The best feedback is hearing from you. We love to get your insight as to what the episodes and sprints spark in you. Follow us on socials @pyllonultra.
You can get Paul on @pyllon on all social media platforms and James is on Twitter @james_stewart13
To find out more about the support and coaching Pyllon offers go to www.pyllonultra.com
Next session will be diving deeper into AWARENESS!

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
ATAK - A Tale of Two Races: Ally McColl, James and Paul S7 Ep6
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
In the last episode James and Paul talked through the last part of their ATAK approach to challenging situations. They shared some detail on how they’ve made the approach work and when they haven’t had the awareness or control to turn a hard time into a good experience.
So the theory is good, but it can be really easy to stall at any step.
In this, the final episode of the series - #TeamPyllon runner Ally McColl talks about his own views on ATAK. Ally has a few specific races in mind to illustrate the benefits and the potential blockers - both examples having very different outcomes!
If you’d like to join the team, work with a Pyllon Coach or buy a Pyllon training programme please check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com.
If you would like to collaborate with us please get in touch: support@pyllonultra.com
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Thursday Jul 13, 2023
ATAK - Let’s Kick-Ass!: Pod S7 Ep5
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
A to the motherfunkin' K homeboy!
We are busting our way towards the end of this series on our ATAK model for dealing with challenges in racing, training and life.
If you haven't already listened to the intro episode please start there!
In this episode we break the 12 min structure and have both James and Paul discussing the final piece of the jigsaw. In this episode they'll talk about:
- Why 'Kick Ass' is not an instruction but a state of mind
- What they will take into their own training and racing
- What to look out for in terms of traps along the way
We'll do one more episode and be joined by one of our TeamPyllon athletes to discuss learnings and alternative approcahes.
If you’d like to join the team, work with a Pyllon Coach or buy a Pyllon training programme please check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com.
If you would like to collaborate with us please get in touch: support@pyllonultra.com
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Friday Jun 30, 2023
ATAK - Taking Action and Relentless Forward Progress: Sprint Pod S7 Ep4
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
As we continue with Series 7 of the Sprint Pods, James Stewart is back, and he's taking ACTION!
This is a follow-on from the last episode where Paul tackled 'Thinking', on our journey through our ATAK model for dealing with challenges in racing, training and life.
If you haven't already listened to the intro episode please start there!
In this episode James talks specifically about:
- The importance of acting on the awareness and thinking
- Tactical and strategic differences
- How in-action could have lost him one of his finest race performances
We'll finish up the final part of ATAK in the next episode :)
If you’d like to join the team, work with a Pyllon Coach or buy a Pyllon training programme please check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com.
If you would like to collaborate with us please get in touch: support@pyllonultra.com
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Friday Jun 23, 2023
ATAK: Thinking & the Racing Mind: Sprint Pod S7 Ep3
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
As we continue with Series 7 of the Sprint Pods, Pyllon Head Coach Paul Giblin returns to talk about the 'thinking mind' in racing - when things aren’t going as planned.
This is a follow-on from the last episode where James tackled Awareness, on our journey through our ATAK model for dealing with challenges.
If you haven't already listened to the intro episode please start there!
In this episode Paul talks specifically about:
- Decision-making and strategy
- Problem-solving
- Re-focusing
- Enjoyment
Some of these might end up as separate longer-form conversations, but provide some areas to be aware of in the heat and emotions of racing.
If you’d like to join the team, work with a Pyllon Coach or buy a Pyllon training programme please check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com.
If you would like to collaborate with us please get in touch: support@pyllonultra.com
Read the rest of this entry »
Friday Jun 16, 2023
ATAK: Awareness & Acceptance in Racing: Sprint Pod S7 Ep2
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
We are back! Series 7 of the Sprint Pods is underway.
These are short podcasts around the 10 minute mark to give you something to think about as you move through your training and racing.
If you haven't already listened to the intro episode please start there! We'll be talking about an approach to dealing with tough times in racing, and developing an approach to take your race craft to a new level. We call it ATAK.
In the first main episode James tackles AWARENESS. You can't begin to sort an issue if you don't know exactly what you are facing and accepting that there is indeed a problem. It's a key stage in improving your situation and weighting up options - which we'll talk about in the next episode.
As always, our thinking is always adaptable to normal life outside of running too. So please dig out those headphones and let us know what you think.
If you liked the pod give us a 5* review below and drop us a line. The best feedback is hearing from you. We love to get your insight as to what the episodes and sprints spark in you. Follow us on socials @pyllonultra.
You can get Paul on @pyllon on all social media platforms and James is on Twitter @james_stewart13
To find out more about the support and coaching Pyllon offers go to www.pyllonultra.com
Next session will be diving deeper into THINKING!

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
New Series of Sprint Pods - James goes on the ATAK! (Sprint Pod S7 EP1)
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
We are back! Series 7 of the Sprint Pods is on its way.
Short podcasts around the 10 minute mark to give you something to think about as you move through your training and racing.
In this introduction James will introduce a Pyllon-specific approach to overcoming challenges when you are out there in the heat of racing or just trying to work through a tough training plan or session.
As always, our thinking is always adaptable to normal life outside of running too. So please dig out those headphones and let us know what you think.
James talks ATAK!! :)
If you liked the pod give us a 5* review below and drop us a line. The best feedback is hearing from you. We love to get your insight as to what the episodes and sprints spark in you. Follow us on socials @pyllonultra.
You can get Paul on @pyllon on all social media platforms and James is on Twitter @james_stewart13
To find out more about the support and coaching Pyllon offers go to www.pyllonultra.com
Next session will be diving deeper into AWARENESS!

Thursday May 25, 2023
BONUS: Taking the Highland High Way - Romy Beard
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Pyllon Ultra Podcast.
This isn’t the start of the next series of our shorter sprint pods. We just couldn’t miss the opportunity to talk about a pretty special run from one of our Pyllon athletes - Romy Beard.
Running a West Highland Way is a big under-taking for anyone. But Romy decided to tackle the High Route, which like the trail, finishes in Fort William. It just has significantly more ascent, covers some seriously rough ground and is a navigation challenge all of its own!
Romy was kind enough to share some of her adventure with Paul, and John (her coach at Pyllon).
Not to be missed! :)
You can connect with the Pyllon Ultra team on twitter and instagram @pyllonultra or check out the website at www.pyllonultra.com
Paul is on Twitter and instagram @Pyllon
John is on instagram @johnconnolly

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Confidence & Self-Belief with James and Paul - Sprint Pod S6 Finale
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
We are ready to wrap up this Sprint series of pods on the subject of belief and confidence.
Paul and James finally get together again to chat through any thoughts and learnings from the last series. Some useful discussion including:
- How James has built his confidence ahead of his race this coming weekend
- How you can buy into believing more of the positive self-talk
- Why self integrity is crucial
- Some useful tools for building confidence
If you liked the pod give us a 5* review below and drop us a line. The best feedback is hearing from you. We love to get your insight as to what the episodes and sprints spark in you. Pyllon is on socials as @pyllonulotra.
You can get Paul on @pyllon on all social media platforms and James is on Twitter @james_stewart13
To find out more about the support and coaching Pyllon offers go to www.pyllonultra.com

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Train Better and Race Effectively - Sprint Pod Medley S6 Ep6
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
We will shortly be recording the summary of the last series of Sprint Pods, and we'd love to hear from you, as we can then discuss any observations and comments.
This is a medley of the sprint series as a reminder of what we discussed. It's all 5 episodes in one handy podcast - it's centred on confidence and identifying how and where you can sharpen up your mind so that you can train better and race more effectively.
If you liked the pod give us a 5* review below and drop us a line. The best feedback is hearing from you. We love to get your insight as to what the episodes and sprints spark in you. You can find us @pyllonultra and can reach Paul on @pyllon on all social media platforms and James @james_stewart13
To find out more about the support and coaching Pyllon offers go to www.pyllonultra.com